Thursday, April 16, 2020

How is this quarantine changing the way my toddler perceives the world?

To her, with limited vocabulary, certain things such as school, supermarket, library, parks, are "broken".

I am trying my best to convince her, it's "broken", but not for good, and not only for her.

She gets excited to meet her friends virtually but half way through the meet up she tears up, and starts shaking her head, that she no longer wants to continue with this.  These days she can spent hours with the animated characters, she knows their names, and happily references them in her conversation.  Reminding her of the names of her real life friends have the reverse effect on her mood.

I am trying my best to convince her, no matter what the situation, we need to keep in touch with our real friends, even if they aren't physically close to us.

The idea of fresh air, and spending time outdoors appeals to her, but when we are out, with careful planning ahead, and much caution, it only takes 10 minutes for her to ask to go home.

While our governments' effort in taking slow, and calculated steps to reopen our economy is much appreciated, kids and their re-integration in the normal cycle of life should be discussed too.

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