Friday, April 17, 2020

How has the quarantine impacted my husband's life?

My husband's main concern is not to contract the virus, and he has been successful in altering and limiting his daily activities to pursue this goal.

This change is amazing, since he used to spend two hours of every three hours outside of the home every single day, without any exception.  When asked to stay home on social occasions, and other life situations, his mood would turn sour after two hours.

But now, he calmly spends his whole day at home.  Paces the small living/dining space with his phone in hand to get his 2KM daily walk everyday.  Eats his breakfast and lunch at home, something that probably happened less than the count of my fingers over the course of 8 years marriage.  Get his work done remotely, and watches T.V. with our daughter.  

He rarely helps out with the work around the house, that has not been his thing, and he is not about to change now that he's at home all the time to see the amount of work that goes on daily to keep the house and life in general running.

He can continue with this lifestyle until it's declared safe to go out.

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