Saturday, May 23, 2020

Canada is reopening without knowing where Canadians are getting COVID-19

Canada is reopening without knowing where Canadians are getting COVID-19

is the title of this article, by Adam Miller, and published by CBC yesterday! 

He is taking advantage of two recently identified active clusters of COVID19 in Peel region, as well as London, Ontario to publish a very poorly written, very confusing article.  He sites Alberta and BC as provinces who have been 'successful' in keeping the spread of the virus under control. Then sites South Koreas' opening of night clubs as making the country taking two steps back into shutting down the night clubs!!

How the South Koreas' example is relevant to Canada not knowing where its COVID-19 cases are coming from, and how BC's, and Alberta's success (both being part of Canada) contribute to Canada's failure are questions I have when I read his article.

It's journalistic effort to grab clicks, based on the most talked about topic these days.

Really bad article!

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